
St. Mark's Offers many different Christian Education 

Opportunities.  We offer Sunday School for all Ages weekly and year round.  Our Sunday School program includes Children as young as 3 years old all the way up, because we celebrate that no one ever stops growing in faith.  We have Three Sunday School Teachers who cover the grades as follows:

3 years old through Kindergarten

1-4th Grades

5th-8th Grades

Each Class has a wide range of ages, and this is intentional.  Much of our ministry here at St. Mark's is geared to encouraging Faith growth as a community.  Every time a Child is baptized in the church, the congregation makes a promise to help raise that child in the faith alongside of their parents.  We at St. Mark's takes that promise very seriously and we intentionally encourage older children to help the younger children in their faith development.  This solidifies the faith foundation that the older children have received in the class as well as teaching them important skills of leadership as they get older.  

This thought continues on into our adults class which is team taught.  The 5th-8th Grade Class begin joining the Adult class for First Communion Training and Confirmation Development.  As they enter High School they have a team of adults and mentors helping them to continue to grow in the Faith Community.   I hope you come and join us in this exciting and wonderful ministry as we continue to learn and teach the word of God.  If you are interested in checking out our Sunday School program please join us on Sundays at 9:15 AM or contact the church Office at for more information.